The Four Aces are seated in the Crown. They are the seeds of the whole system, the letters of the divine name Tetragrammaton.
This week, meditate on how you would like to shape the course of your life over the next 32 week. Form an intention (wand), and visualize it vividly coming true (cup) in the next 8 months. Next list 10 things you could do to get closer to that reality (sword). Knock three of them off that list by Thursday of this week (pentacles).
Magick helps us realize our dreams. Here is a mantra:
I see - I speak - I do - I be!
Catch a ride on the momentum of the Forest of Life Calendar. Shape your reality, step into your magick.
Let. It. Be. So.
Declare your intent in the comment sections for a boost. What will you create?