It's Friday, and Severity Week begins now on the Forest of Life Venus Calendar.
The five energy breaks up the stasis of four. Being odd, a five pointed or five sided figure will always have several different orientations - none of which is fully symmetrical. Any one instance of five is in tension with the other ways it could be. Whereas four holds its own, five strives beyond its own limits.
Try this - sort your deck into Wands, Cups, Swords and Pentacles (minor arcana), and Trumps (major arcana). Chose one card from each Minors pile and make a square. Choose a card from the Majors and put it in the centre.
Pick cards that you would like to mix together like choosing spices to go into a soup. Make a stack of this packet, (from bottom up - pentacle, sword, Trump, cup wand). This five card stack is now a talisman. Put it aside (tie a thread around it, put it in a bag, put it in a book on an appropriate page - but don't forget about it), and leave it to do its work for the week. There are many many different combinations you can use - each a different spell. Make up a combination that suits your goals for right now!
Spell-work is any ritual or patterned activity that clearly and crisply commits you to a particular desired outcome. Eliminate any noise or self doubt, and choose to en-CHANT wholeheartedly. To en-chant means literally - to sing into being. Magick doesn't argue or deliberate or offer explanations - it involves an act of commitment of intent.
When such conditions are right, the fifth element, quintessence, picks up and carries the others towards an event, or a dream that is most intently signaled.