What is Apocalypse? The root of the word is from the Greek - Apokalupsis - which means "removing the cover", or "removing the veil". If the world that we take for granted as existing can be understood as a kind of tapestry - a picture hung by humans over the living state of things , then Apocalypse is the means by which we come to renovate or renew that world - since without awareness, it will sink into unexamined and perpetual patterns of sameness. The urge to Apocalypse is to urge to renewal. Of course, nowadays the term is connected to the notion of societal collapse: zombie apocalypse, nuclear apocalypse. The genre of "post-apocalypse" is a survivalist genre set in the wastelands left by the voiding of social structures in some way or another.
But what if all there was is Apocalypse - neither pre nor post, but just a continual unveiling of the Empyereum - the imaginal display that births worlds continuously - a firey blossom like an infinite stained-glassed window, ever being created and destroyed? Such is the nature of Apocalypse as it pertains to the Judgement - which is indeed an Apocalypse.