Nine is understood as the Foundation of the qabalistic system - and the reason for this is quite likely on account of the mathematical properties that it possesses.
Since nine is the final digit before the series resets, it symbolizes the fullness of the numbers - their culmination. One notable feature of nine is that any number whatosever that is a multiple of nine will result in nine if the digits are continuously added together until there is only one left (as in contemporary numerology).
For instance: 9x5=45. 4+5=9.
Also: 9x468,795,321 = 4219157889. 4+2+1+9+1+5+7+8+8+9 = 54. 5+4=9
This will hold for all cases where 9 is involved.
Even more interestingly, the nine times-table is inscribed in the series 0-9, when they are written out: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. In the diagram below notice how the first and last numbers are 0 and 9? Put these together as “09” or 9x1. The second and second last are 1 and 8. 18 or 2x9. Following this pattern we get 27,36,45,54,64,72, and 81.
The multiplication table of nine is incribed like an onionskin into the series itself.
We may use this fundamentality to assemble all the elemental energies of the digits from 0-9 into a synthetic whole. This property is a good indication of nineness as the foundational number.
On the so-called "tetractys of the decad" there are nine chambers that are revealed by connecting the circles together with straight lines. This simply reinforces the background supporting role that nine is playing in terms of the expression of the decad - which is understood as manifest reality itself.
Nine is the penultimate, and therefore crucial, stage of manifestation.