Remember mortality. Remember that we will die.
When this card appears, it means death. Yes. Death means death - it's inescapable.
But! It can mean any number of ways that death affects us. It's a cliche to assume that readings predict the future (although, death, ahem... is ALWAYS a safe prediction - sooner or later), when readings are always and only about the present.
The present with its roots. The present with its branches.
Death is the guarantee that this consciousness we have - peering out of the flesh-windows of a physical body - is a temporary, contingent thing.
It will eventually die. The awareness energy enfolded within it will not. There IS immortality, and it has numerous grades, numerous textures.
It is crucial to live in profound respect of death's gnomon.
Death happens, but it is an interval, a change of state. It is not to be feared or dreaded - it is to be respected, prepared for, put off till VERY last, but greeted with dignity.
So death means death, but it doesn't necessarily PREDICT an immanent death. It says: value life, prepare for change. It says: turn to face your mortality, and be that which you wish - on death - to remember yourself as having been.
It means death, but it says LIVE!
Face change, live with energy.
There is a river, and it is life. If we get into it and float, without effort, it will carry us out to the ocean, and our energy will dissipate, merge into the all formlessly. Such is entropy.
If we do the bare minimum - just swim across to the other side... the current will carry us downstream, and the next life will begin, further from the source, by precisely how much ground was lost. Entropy takes its wages from all machines.
Conversely- if we angle vigorously upstream into the current itself, we engage the stress of life directly - taking the steepness of angle that will allow us to cross without drowning (for self-killing stress is just foolish), and to gain ground on the further shore. Such souls criss-cross the river of life moving ever upstream towards the source: ever progressing. Never hurry, never stop. Negentropy awakens.
So finally there is the Salmon.
Therein lies the great truth. Die daily.