Disguised in the folds of the Temperance Angel's robes are the four Hebrew letters of the name of God YHVH. This divine name should not be viewed in the same way as we view the names of beings and things outside of ourselves. YHVH is no thing. Neither alone should we name ourselves thus. YHVH is beyond the dichotomy of within and without. We can see in these four letters four levels of the soul: The Will, the Imagination, the Intellect, and the Body. We can also see the four levels of existence in "the World" : the level of pure radiances, the level of stories/souls, the level of causes and effects, and the level of inertias and momentums. These are not separate, really. The path of recovery is known as the Great Work.

We can effect through this a "microcosm/macrocosm homology" - as above, so below, as within, so without - and yet, as it is said, even this sublime architecture must ultimately vanish. The banishment of ignorance destroys the foundations of knowledge and this fulfillment frees pure awareness, beyond ANY name and ANY form. This is the medicine. There never was an above, a below, a within, a without. But of COURSE there are. Start where YOU are.
There are MANY clues as to how YHVH might open to door to a sublime continuum - a plenum beyond paradox - a pure divine reality. One such way is alluded to in the structure of the Hebrew letter Aleph - which symbolizes unity. This letter is made up of three other letters, graphically - two Yods, and a Vav. These represent the equation 10+10+6 = 26. Strikingly, YHVH gives us 10+5+6+5= 26. YHVH dissolves into Aleph, pure unity - concealing that Aleph as the quintessence of Tetragrammaton. Let those with ears, hear. Aleph = 1

In temperance we learn to purify, distill, refine. Know that the stone is found when the four are fully dissolved into their quintessence and in their unity are dissolved into pure openness - boundaryless divinity.
The Angel of Temperance shows us the way that we may begin to recover what we have never truly lost. Listen well to her voice. YHVH is truly a wonder - take the path without "object" and it will be seen!