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  • Writer's picturePeter Duchemin, Phd

The Golden Eights

Golden Marseilles Deck Eights against a Backdrop designed by Orryelle Defenestrate. The caduceus evokes the undulating lemniscatory motions that are inherent in all the eights - a dynamic equilibrium - or bridling- of expansive and contractive modes. The attribution of the caduceus to medicine was a 19th century interpretive error. In truth it is an emblem of communication - and its various levels and inherent duplicities. By driving the dialectic to it's own breakdown, the mage experiences a break-through blooming of non-dual perception. In readings, the eights give us notions of carefulness and speed - and teach us means of escaping capture, and over-riding our own "eclipses of enthusiasm" when they threaten the continuity of projects in line with our long-term interests an ambitions. The eights make us smart.

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