As the open palm closes into a fist,
the triple force braids , centripetally and passes through the wheel's hub.
The three parts of the philosophy of the world are induction, deduction and abduction.
Induction is empirical observation, deduction is logical calculation, and abduction is 'reasonable confabulation' - storytelling.
These are they keys to wisdom, to living truth - and they are one key.
When the hermit appears there is a guide, a mentor, a teacher. All hermits are fools who have survived by willingness of adaptation. All wisefolk are fools who learned humility.
And so it goes - the chain of initiation. Seek the teacher: they do not seek you. They are found in the desert wastelands, making them slowly green. They are found in the cavernous darkness, shedding solitary light across centuries.
The words of the hermit are like crystal bricks - each is perfect, chosen, irreversible.
The hidden lighthouse is built out of Logos, and into forever it guides the ships of time.
Seek ye the hermit - lamp, staff, and hourglass.
Axle of the wheel.
The heart's silence is the house of the greatest mystery.
In an acorn is a forest.
In silent perserverance is the Work of all eternity.
Seek ye the guide - psychopomp
Seek ye the quiet master in the mysterious forest.
Walk the way, endless, and witness a thousand lamps, lit from a single flame.
Hold your peace.