The sword is a volatile faculty - capable of cutting through illusions and solving problems rationally. It is very useful. The trouble is, that swordly solutions often create more problems. The 2 of swords is known as the Lord of Peace Restored, and uniquely among the swords, shows us the capacity to recover equilibrium within rational thought so that the intuitive can also have a voice. We see this in the Rider Waite image of a woman seated in front of a tidal shoal, blindfolded, bearing two equally weighted swords. The moon is in the background suggesting ebb and flow, and access to the sensitive faculties. True mastery of our rationality involves the capacity to suspend it's use. So... Can you sheathe your sword?
Two of Swords - Tarot of the Holy Light, Rider Waite Smith, Spirit Keeper's Tarot (revelation), Thoth Deck, Ancient Italian Tarot, Peirpont-Morgan Visconti.
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