It's Friday, and Mercy Week begins now on the Forest of Life Venus Calendar.
Take time this week to focus on the Fours- These are all manifestations of majesty and power - in all of its aspects. Think, the power to complete decisively, the ambivalent nature of luxury, the option to rest your struggles while in safe circumstances, and the accumulation of wealth and power. These are all aspects of this energy.
As a ritual, stack these in a pile - wands on top, followed by cups, followed by swords, followed by pentacles. Write a Haiku, or a small verse, which contains a blessing, and place it on top of the stack. You can use this if you like:
Jupiter's Aegis
Holds my World in Lasting Peace
And with Mercy Rules
This gesture will have true results - magick is no mere mechanism, but as you sincerely call, so will you truly know. This is the week to call for a world-augmenting blessing.
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