On Friday, the time of the High Priestess arrives. The Priestess is the grandmother - Isis, Hecate, the un-manifest Sophia. She helps us discover the mystery that liberates us from entanglement.
She is the great force of truth - the connector between heaven and earth. Her messages are very subtle and it is easy to miss them - but if we listen with an earnest heart, we will hear them. Nothing is more important than authenticity in this respect. Nobody can hear the song of the High Priestess and be unchanged.
She is Artemis, and to see her unveiled is to become animal, to be devoured. Oh what a blessing!
This week your mission is to find a river - or better yet - a spring to spend time with. Flowing water in natural and wild surroundings will bring your closer to this energy. Look up to the stars, to the mystery, to that which dwarfs us and frightens us in its awesome depths. Therein you will find the Priestess.
Honor to the eternal mystery and the fountainhead of wisdom.