It's Friday, and Splendor week begins now on the Forest of Life Venus Calendar.
The power of eight arises to temper the overabundant energy of the 7's. Hod is the sphere of the magickian, and the magickian bridles the passions with intelligence, and with code.
The intangible forces that impact your life - learn their names. When you know their names, you will be able to bring them under your command. This is the way of evocation. Learn the names of the key spirits and build a relationship with them.
Here is an exercise. Go into the city. Go to a place you have never been before. Spend time getting to know it. Study the city as a code. See if you can learn how to gain access to a resource you need, but that you have not yet sourced. Make a connection that will allow you to access that resource. Learn their name. Understand that though this may be something totally mundane-seeming (learning where to reliably buy cheap socks, for example), that what you are performing is a magickal act - navigating the urban code-matrix.
This is a week of codes, names, and connections.