It's Friday, and the time of the Sun is now. This is the brightest, most radiant moment in the Tarot - it is a time of joy, of self-expression and of success. It is also a time when we need to be careful not to burn out, or to overdo things. There is a harsh side of the sun that arises when we abandon ourselves without reservation into its blazing inferno of light. We humans need to hydrate, we need shade to keep cool - enjoy the sunshine, enjoy the power of success and brilliance, but stay humble - and know that the sun will always set - so be prepared for this.
A mission for this week is to climb a mountain. It need not be huge - it can be a hill, even. But go up that hill taking precautions to stay hydrated, and to pace yourself. Go up that hill in the middle of the day and enjoy the peak experience: You can see farther than ever before from the summit. This is the place of the Sun. Looking out across your world, try to get a sense of where you are going: what your next few "moves" will be, in line with your goals. If you want to plan a year, plan a year. Set your goals, and imagine them like pylons of gold. There will come a time when the landscape will not be so visible - but at that time you will still be able to recognize the pylons and go towards them, even if your inner vision is not so panoramic as it is now. But go... go get that panoramic sweep, and set up the pylons of your future intent - a year, a decade, a lifetime... it is up to you.
This is the week of the Sun. Now is a great time to see.