Weird Beings. Threshold guardians, and phantasmic monsters can shift and take on monstrous and frightening forms. Such repulsive and horrifying imagery can call up the fear of "evil" in us - because of how we are conditioned to respond to the alien. There is a great liberation in dwelling peaceably with the spirits of orders far different in appearance to our own. Why we seek to compel spirits to present themselves as "comely" to us, of course, is not a question of mere aesthetic ornamentation - appearance itself IS an energy, and our imaginations are a wild frontier in which these visions have a reality - hence we prefer them to present in comfortable ways - because that changes their energy.
But - does a spirit's "true form" even come close to resembling anything we could perceive at all, beautiful OR ugly? Unlikely. What we see in our visionary eye is always a translation. But consider: beautification is domestication. The Fae beings of Walt Disney are domesticated by their "cuteness". The goetic spirits are domesticated into human appearance. All this is part of the anthropic pressure we apply to the world that is infinitely greater (and weirder) than we are.
The way to pass by these threshold guardians, these monsters and wyrdlings is not to purge them, fight, them, react to them with hostility. It is to accept them. They are part of our ecology. The sharks, wasps and angler fish of our natural world have analogues in the imaginarium. One cannot impute evil onto such beings - they know nothing other than their role in a web of transactions. So. Here is where the adept practices humility. Let the wyrd beings be, and pass on in peace.
Transparency is the key to the threshold.